Thursday, September 26, 2013

What IS That??

Remember the first time you got into someone's minivan?  I don't mean the VERY first time when you were little.  I mean when you were old enough to judge its cleanliness and be grossed out by the lack thereof.  

I mean BEFORE you had kids...remember?  When you were all judge-y and proud and convinced that you had a way of parenting that was going to produce wonderful children that all the other minivan owners obviously didn't have a clue about.  

Ya know, back when you stepped into that minivan and thought, holy cow...I will NEVER let my SUV (because you probably still thought you'd never own a van) get THIS dirty.  

Or maybe you thought, I won't EVER allow my kids to eat in the car (you were so cute...I thought that too...I was cute too).  

Well, those days are over and you either own a minivan, wish you owned a minivan or secretly have minivan envy because you realize how much easier they are to manage with children but are still holding out and trying to be cool.  Whatever the case...if you have can relate to this:

What the heck is THAT?  You don't know?  Darn.  I was counting on you because I have no idea.  Based on it's location (the back of the second row headrest) and the fact that I gave it the sniff test and it's not poop (because that's what parents naturally do when they see something brown and out of place), I'm guessing it is likely the result of one of my little six year olds having chocolate mixed with maybe ice cream or a donut and snot (because there is always snot or boogers involved) on their sweaty little hand and then stretching that hand back and over the headrest and just wiping whatever was on the hand right there.  Because why not?  It's not their van.  No one will see it there, right?  

I mean we also have this:

But that is a no's clearly a chocolate chip granola bar that someone got tired of eating and shoved under the booster seat.  OF COURSE...duh...isn't that where you'd put it?  A little melting chocolate right where your butt goes?  What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone who is still managing car seats and booster seats knows that what lies beneath them is unknown and disgusting.  That's why we so rarely check...denial is best.  But in this case they left it sticking out so I've got to clean it which means I'll have to move the booster and reveal the other nastiness that lurks beneath....can't wait!!!

You might be wondering, what does this post have to do with real estate or Raleigh?  Well I live in Raleigh (actually Apex, but go with me) and I sell real estate and other than that the answer is - nothing.  I needed a first blog post to test this blog out and I started venting about the van and this is what you got....which I suppose is better than a blog post that just says "test".  Right?

So, what's on your van (or not van) seats?  Got a pic to share?  Great...share it below if you can.  I won't know if you actually can until I post this first test blog - but if you can when the time comes, do it!